

Zehut AWS Command Line Access

Zehut AWS
Command Line Access

Zehut provides simple and secure command line access to the AWS API with full SSO support. Better for IT, easier for engineers.

About Zehut

Delivering Value

Organizations incur significant, unnecessary costs on AWS administration. On average, most organizations spend:

8 hours per Initial User Setup and User Termination
4 hours monthly on Account Maintenance
15 minutes daily managing login credentials

With Zehut, your engineers will be up and running on AWS is less than 15 minutes.

True SSO

Zehut supports most common identity providers (Active Directory, Okta, G Suite) and other providers supporting SAML 2.0 and LDAP open protocols.

Zehut Delivers Best-in-Class Authentication and True Single Sign-On for AWS.

Security First

Incomplete offboarding of users is a common security risk for most organizations.

Zehut’s proprietary solution mitigates this security risk.

Best-in-Class Command Line Security

Stop sharing credentials, Stop manually entering multi-factor codes, Stop using hacky scripts!

“Stop the Madness“ with Zehut’s simple proprietary solution.

User Permissions Done Right

Zehut leverages group and role-based permissioning. Policies and roles can be shared across existing IAM users.